Author: Sydney Piwowar
It is officially Winter, and, in the Midwest, we get to know something called the January Blues. Yep… that’s the time right after the holidays, when there is nothing else to get you through the grey skies. This year, I refuse to let them get to me though. My trick to keeping positive is to surround myself with Green. It proven that people who expose themselves to more plants and trees are happier.
1. Snake Plant
Snake plants thrive on neglect and are considered “unkillable”. They don’t mind low light and they only need to be watered once every couple of weeks.

2. Spider Plant
Spider plants actually prefer you keep them away from direct sunlight. They are also pet friendly and sprout with babies you can re-plant.

3. ZZ Plant
Even if you’re a serial plant killer, you’ll do just fine with a ZZ plant. It hails from Eastern Africa, and it is conditioned to survive months of low light and drought.

4. Monstera Deliciosa
You’ve probably seen these all over trendy Instagram pages. Monstera Deliciosa loves basking in gentle sunlight – keeping it 5-10 feet away from a bright window is key.

5. Peace Lily
If you’d prefer a plant with flowers, peace lilies are for you! They thrive in shade, indirect light, and even windowless rooms. You’ll know if your peace lily is getting too much light because they’ll show brown streaks.

6. Moss Terrarium
Terrariums hit the trends a few years ago and you can easily DIY one at home. With a little moss and rocks, they will survive on little to no sunlight. It does need moisture though and some indirect light to live at its brightest green. Place it near a window where it can receive a bit of reflected light.

7. Dracaena Reflexa
There are lots of types of dracaenas, but reflexa is the most common. It is also the best choice for a dark room. They can survive in low to medium light, but are their boldest, yellow in indirect sun. However, too much will make them brown so don’t let them sunbathe all day.

8. Nerve Plant
Yes, it is PINK! Be careful though and keep them out of direct exposure or their leaves will start to brown. They do need constant moisture, so don’t skimp on the watering. Another plus about this one is that they are non-toxic for pets!

9. Cast Iron Plant
Cast iron plants are native to the forest floors of Japan and Taiwan so they are used to very little light. As a matter of fact, direct sunlight will burn their leaves so keep them close to north facing windows or away from windows in general. Best of all, it is another pet friendly plant.

10. Lucky Bamboo
Dracaena Sanderiana, aka “lucky bamboo,” is not only cool for its shape, but also because it survives in low to moderate light conditions. Just don’t put them in direct sunlight, which will burn their leaves.

11. Birds Nest Fern
Filtered or indirect sunlight will do them well. East or north facing windows are ideal. Avoid exposing to direct light to prevent burn marks.

12. Chinese Evergreen
The pattern on these leaves is amazing. This one needs a bit more light than the rest, desiring low to bright indirect sunlight. they’re part of a family with 20 different species, but the general rule with all of them is that the darker their leaves and stalks are, the lower light they can handle.

13. Pothos
Pothos won’t complain if you only have moderate indoor light. It can also tolerate fluorescent lighting which makes it great for your office.

14. Prayer Plant
The name of this plant stems from the fact that prayer plant leaves lay flat during the day and then fold upward at night. Another cool point about them is that they are safe for pets and dimmer rooms.

15. Philodendron
This one is super easy for beginner plant parents as it does well in low to medium light and won’t freak out if you forget to water it from time to time. The cascading leaves look beautiful on a high shelf or a hanging basket.

See our Pinterest board for more house plant ideas HERE!