3 Tips to a Perfect Dry Bar

Author: Sydney Piwowar As society modernizes, I believe the perception of alcohol in the home does as well. Where once the home parlor was filled with cocktails and conversation, it turned to a plastic covered furniture living room. Now I believe we are in a full swing back to the original cocktail room we all […]

How to Design a Wet Bar in 5 Steps

Author: Sydney Piwowar Step 1. Pick out your storage method Will this include open or closed storage? Will you need to store bottles? Glassware? Both? Will you be including a refrigeration system? Step 2: Pick out your Plumbing Fixtures Never doubt the importance of plumbing fixtures in small spaces.. Every detail counts. Step 3: How […]

Top 5 Media Consoles you NEED and WANT

Author: Sydney Piwowar Now-a-days media consoles are mostly about aesthetics as most people no longer use DVDs and VHS players have gone extinct. There are still some needs for storage though as the modern family probably hides video and board games here. We have created a “Best Of” list according to 5 categories — including […]