Design Details: Toilet Paper Holder

Author: Sydney Piwowar I have decided to start a series called Design Details where I touch on the details of a space. There are so many little things that effect your everyday life that people don’t think about. This week topic: Toilet Paper Holders!!! Yep. That’s right. Everyone has a specific method they prefer (upright, […]
How to Design a Wet Bar in 5 Steps

Author: Sydney Piwowar Step 1. Pick out your storage method Will this include open or closed storage? Will you need to store bottles? Glassware? Both? Will you be including a refrigeration system? Step 2: Pick out your Plumbing Fixtures Never doubt the importance of plumbing fixtures in small spaces.. Every detail counts. Step 3: How […]
Black, White and Brass Cabinet Hardware

Author: Sydney Piwowar Sometimes when considering cabinet hardware, brass just isn’t enough. You know that phrase less is more? Sometimes more is more. Sometimes when we can’t decide one, we decide both. You’re probably thinking, “What the heck, you can’t have multiple types of hardware on a cabinet.” Well, you’re right, that might look a […]
Timeless Brass Door Hardware

Author: Sydney Piwowar Brass is all the rage now, but at JTD we don’t like to get stuck in the trends! Here is our guide to the best brass door hardware for a classic, timeless look. 1. Bonne Mazou — Goutte Ovale 2. Buster and Punch — Brass Door Lever Handle 3. Schoolhouse — Rome […]